Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 8 - You were planned for God's pleasure

Feel free to comment, question, add- this is, as the say at Planet Fitness, a NO JUDGEMENT ZONE.

Chapter Title: You were planned for God’s pleasure
Day 8
Point to Ponder: I was planned for God’s pleasure
Question to consider; What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?

Now that’s a very good question.
I do understand the teaching that I hear each day, “that which you do to the least of me, you do to Me.” per Jesus somewhere in the new testament. Though some days it is a challenge, I do my very best to stop and say – this person in front of me represents Jesus. It takes a lot of faith to believe, as Rick Warren does, that “ the moment you were born in to the world, God was there as an unseen witness, smiling at your birth. He wanted you alive, and your arrival gave him great pleasure.”
I do have to take this concept completely on faith, because my ego wants proof.

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