Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 10- The heart of Worship

Day 10
Point to Ponder: The heart of worship is surrender.
Question to consider: What area of my life am I holding back from GOD?

This is another challenge. I guess I could say some days I surrender, some days I hold everything back from God. My guess is, this is part of the human condition. I like the phrase Rick uses at the end of the chapter, “ now is your time to surrender to God’s Grace, Love and Wisdom.” If you subscribe to the Power of Now- that means, that each moment we need to surrender, as the moment comes along.
Rick speaks to this on page 83. There is the moment of surrender, and “ there is the practice of surrender, which is moment by moment, life long. The problem with a living sacrifice ( that’s us) is that it can crawl off the alter, so you may have to resurrender your life fifty times a day. ”

I think I can see this process at work in my life. I am a recovering control aholic- and I have to give up control daily- and it’s similar to surrender to God. The trick is to remember!

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