Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 2 You are not an accident

From Rick Warren Purpose Driven Life page 21
This will be my 5th round of reading thru this book.
It’s part of my public LENTEN journey
Feel free to comment, question, add- this is, as the say at Planet Fitness, a NO JUDGEMENT ZONE.

Chapter Title; You are Not an Accident

Day 2 Thinking about my purpose
Question to consider: I know that God uniquely created me.
What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?

Janine’s Thoughts;
I know I was an accident- in my parents eyes- but everything turned out ok! LOL
What I can’t accept I work to change. Now, I get into trouble when I try to change things that I just have to accept.
That sounds like the human struggle.
I can diet and exercise and that will change some things, however, my body is aging, and I just have to accept that.
Patience and prayer are good friends.
Rick says “ we discover that meaning and purpose only when we make GOD the reference pointof our lives.” Do we do that? Am I going to work this morning to please GOD or pick up my pay check?
I think it has to be a little bit of both!

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