Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We met at the Woodstocker Restaurant

What a wonderful place to work. Coffee was a quarter and the tip was a quarter. I was 18, working the 6 am to 2 pm shift. John was the cigarette vending guy who came in and sat at the counter, drank lots of coffee and read the NY Post, beginning at the sports section, and ending at the front section. I thought that was a little odd. We were never formally introduced, however, as we were to learn later, we caught each others eye.
Russ Roefs was the owner at the time, the restaurant was in the Bradley Meadows Plaza in the area where the Sunflower Natural Foods Store is now. The morning from 6-9 was the hopping with men, heading to work, making connections, planning their day. The waitresses were the entertainment as well as the servers of advise, sass and beauty!!

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