Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Which is worse?

I was in a great discussion last night with a group of friends, and we were talking about how to
raise the awareness of Woodstockers who are in need due to the economic downturn. I admit to not having first hand knowledge of people who can't pay their utilitiy bills or their mortgage.
I found myself wondering- what's worse, losing your home from a financial disaster or a natural disaster, like the fires in souther California that are blazing this week.
I'll bet it's easier to process through to emotional recovery from the natural disaster.

I do know that Woodstockers have access to a well stocked Food Pantry( in the basement at the Reformed Chruch on the Green) that is open on Thursdays 10 AM. Please don't be shy this month, St. John's Roman Catholic Church is the sponsor and Father George tithes the tithe and goes shopping at Aldi's each week to make sure the pantry is well stocked.
There is also the delicious soup kitchen, serving on M- W- and F, I think at 4 PM from
Christ Lutheran Church.

Yes, I am a member of St. John's Roman Catholic Church. I sing in the choir at 8 am Mass most
Sundays. I agree with Father George- who ever sings, pray's twice. I did decide to vote pro life this past election day. I find it puzzling to know my fellow parisioners who, with great excitement, decided to vote for the candidate who says he intends to make abortion a right
under the United States Constitution. I've had the opprotunity to ask them about how they can be so very pro life at church, but vote in opposition to the philosophy.
They assured me that they don't believe the constitutional change will ever happen.

Only time will tell on that issue.

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