Monday, November 17, 2008

Early morning moon light

Most mornings find the alarm going off at 5 AM. This morning, the moon, the waning full moon, was shining brightly behind a few dark grey clouds. The stars/planets twinkle in the distance.
The air is chilly, crisp, quiet.
We watched President elect and Mrs Obama on 60 minutes last night. This is a historic moment for so many reasons. During the interview, they come across as solid, down to earth people. Part of the discussion was about keeping their young daughters in a normal routine. A routine that will include, probably, a daily trip to a private school. Mrs. Obama was very adept at deflecting an answer to the question, will you send your daughters to a public school in Washington?

Kingston Freeman contributor Cal Thomas had an essay about just that topic. I agree, it doesn't make sense to send children who may be in harms way to a public school. Cal Thomas was questioning whether or not the Obama administration and Democratic controlled House and Senate would take away the parental choice of private school. If I read the essay correctly, that would be unless you had the private funding to pay for it.

Kingston Freeman contributor Leonard Pitts chided all African Americans for not supporting
gay marriage legislation. His rationale, American blacks suffered similar discrimination as gays, therefore, American blacks should be more supportive. I've often wondered, along a similar train of thought, how American descendants of Irish could act with prejudice against another human being, knowing the history of terror their family members experienced in 17th and 18th century Ireland.
How does that song go - " When will we ever learn? when will we ever learn?"

Time to go pack some of my AVON orders!!

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