Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Support the Troop Surge in Afghanistan

December 1, 2009
It’s the first day of Advent, and I’m waiting to hear President Obama tell us why we are going to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. I flipped the TV on to CNN. For God sakes, they are set up like it’s a football countdown to game time. 23 min and 20 seconds till Obama speaks to us from West Point. What’s that I see? A panel of pro troop and anti troop deployment speakers, all ready to spout out their opinions on why or why we should not add troops into this region.
At the moment, 7: 43PM EST I am saying to myself, there won’t be any end to this conflict, clash of cultures. Why does Afghanistan matter? Yes, we have lost the sense of urgency since 9/11.If we are going to escalate the war- --- we must do it in a way that we must eradicate Al Qaeda.
Can you do that? If you cut off the head of something that just seems to grow another?
7 45 PM. It would seem to me that President Obama is telling the American people without saying so specifically, that we are in danger. Our national security and the safety of the American people is threatened by Al Qaeda and if we let up the pressure in Afghanistan, there is the distinct possibility that we will be attacked on American soil once again. “We didn’t ask for this fight” Al Qaeda started it by attacking us on our home soil.
• He’s asked us to “summon the unity” that we had after 9/11. Let’s support this plan.
• He’s pledged to the people of Afghanistan that we want to be their partners, not their patrons. Of course this is what we all want!
• He’s pledged to “disrupt, dismantle and defeat” Al Qaeda. I believe that job will be better done with education the young boys and girls who are currently being brainwashed to hate westerners. However, I’m prepared to support the troop surge, there doesn’t seem to be any other choice. What’s was that George W. Bush kept saying? We have to win the war to keep the peace.
The whole world needs peace and prosperity. Without war.
And as for the panel of speakers on CNN; the armchair quarterback correspondents who know as much or more as our national security advisors… they are still debating!!!

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