Sunday, December 31, 2017

Artichokes and Champagne

Artichokes and Champagne What could artichokes and champagne have in common? They remind me of a couple of experiences in life. Much of my work in family history and genealogy is comprised of collecting data about people I’ve never met. Then, I piece together a story about them that I can assimilate into the larger narrative of my family history. I am fortunate to be able to have had my mother in law in my life, the woman who taught me how to make artichokes. I recently realized, after a trip to Sicily, how “ sicilian” she really was. The evidence was in the foods that I experienced while on our trip, the very same foods that my mother in law incorporated into her everyday living. There was something else that she dished out with every meal she shared with us, the desire to celebrate life. That’s where the champagne comes in. For 2018, my wish for everyone is, celebrate every day and learn a little about the food culture that has been enfolded in to your life. Our traditional food tells a story of where we came from, what we are made of. My favorite way to stay connected to the past. Happy New year!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Remembering what is true for me.

Wow, I can’t believe it has been almost a year since I posted on my blog. I had to ask myself, why is that? Part of the answer lies in all the misinformation that is being disseminated around in the social media and traditional media… who knows what to believe, what is real news, what is fake news. Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of opinions on many of the topics that face us today- however, I haven’t taken the time to research what may be all the factors that make up the situation or problem. There is one aspect of my life, though, that has remained constant and true. That would be, my belief in GOD. The GOD, whose son, born of Mary, step son to Joseph, whose birth we celebrate this weekend.

This morning found myself yelling at the T.V. I had finally reached my limit with the commercials urging people to get out and shop and buy things to have ready for Christmas. I walked away from the T.V. mumbling that we’ve become a nation who worships the god of consumerism. I was enveloped in a moment of sadness, feeling that people are rushing around buying things that are supposed to represent the gifts that were brought by the three wise men to the baby Jesus. However, not just one gift, but dozens of gifts. Perhaps, in a judgmental state of mind, what I would consider an overabundance of gifts. There I sat, moving into a very dark mood. What I did next, was troll the posts on my social media feed, hoping to soften the dark mood with pictures of other people’s Christmas trees, cookies, and smiling children. What I found was the post below.

After reading through the message a few times, I realized that I had been blessed with the gift of knowledge through my friend’s social media post. The knowledge that even thought- what seems like excess to me might just be my friends and neighbors attempts to follow along with the Christmas Story. The story is a simple one. Mary said yes and followed the Angel’s instructions in faith. God gave us his only son. The wise men came bearing gifts. I pray that we all work to become wise men and women of the 21st century.