Friday, April 3, 2015

What would you do?

What would you do? What would you do if someone held a gun to your head and asked you to declare what religious group you’re identified with? If you knew, that if you answered Christian, within a moment a bullet would pierce your brain’s gray matter and life as you know it would end instantly, what would you do? Does a person, innocent and unlucky, even have time, in those milliseconds, to review the faces of loved ones, or process any type of fear reaction? Would you have time to consider lying? Would you have time to consider jumping up and cause a tussle, thus going down in a firestorm of bullets? Would you scream out, “it’s none of your feckin business?” I have to remind myself that this is an ancient behavior, this killing of people who are different. I have to calm my rage, work to remain in the big picture, the picture that is painted to remind me that many times, life is not pretty, orderly or peaceful. Just for today, I need to remind myself of the phrase “forgive them father, they know not what they do”

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