Monday, January 25, 2010

The Inaugural Ball

The Inaugural Ball
Woodstock’s Inaugural Ball was held this weekend at the Bearsville theatre, brainchild of Peter Cantine and Hansen Caviar. We went and had a lot of fun, dancing to the Perry Beekman group and visiting with a couple of old friends that we haven’t seen in many years. The Ball was a dressed up cabin fever party, as well as a celebration of the new town board members. It was interesting to note who was missing, but also, who was in attendance, especially, Congressman Hinchey, having a superb time dancing all evening. His presence would be his signal that the past is the past and he’s ready to work with the members of the other Woodstock Democratic Party. There was so much enthusiasm for the Inaugural Ball, I would predict that it will be on the calendar for 2011.

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